If you have received a letter or phone call on behalf of us, or seen our name on your credit report, it means that your obligation (credit card, auto loan, consumer loan, business account) to a lender is now your obligation to Comprehensive Legal Solutions, Inc. as a result of our agreement with that original creditor or previous account holder.
Our goal is to work directly with you displaying dignity and respect while in support of your financial recovery adhering to appropriate collection law compliance in addition to our own strict policies. We will listen to you, and the more we know about your personal situation, the more we can help you. If you have experienced hardship, job loss or had unexpected bills, we will attempt to work out reasonable terms for repaying us.
In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised our communication with you and other consumers is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Please give us a call or respond to our communication to create an arrangement for payment, discuss the status of your account or your personal financial situation.